Business Inheritance Disputes

Unfairly left out of a will?
If you believe that you have been unfairly treated or left out of a Will, we can help

Business inheritance disputes in Sydney, NSW

Inheriting a business can offer the opportunity to continue a family legacy and reap the rewards of years of hard work, but can also be troubled with complexities, especially when disputes arise among heirs. Navigating business inheritance disputes requires careful consideration of legal, financial, and interpersonal factors. A Sydney and NSW wills and probate lawyer from Szabo & Associates Solicitors can help you resolve your business inheritance dispute.

Understanding Business Inheritance

Business inheritance disputes arise when disagreements emerge regarding the ownership, control, or management of a company after the death of a key family member. The transition of a business from one owner to another can be complex, particularly when multiple heirs are involved. These disputes can involve:

  • Succession planning issues: Inadequate or absent succession planning can cause confusion regarding the future ownership and management of the business, leading to disputes among heirs regarding their roles, responsibilities, and entitlements.
  • Unclear ownership structures: If a business owner does not clearly define the business’s ownership structure through legal documents like buy-sell or shareholder agreements, disputes can erupt over who controls what percentage of the company.
  • Unequal treatment of heirs: Disputes may arise when heirs perceive that they have been unfairly treated or inadequately compensated in the inheritance of the business, often leading to resentment and discord among family members.
  • Differing interests: Heirs may have divergent interests, goals, and visions for the future direction of the business, which can create tension and hinder decision-making processes.
  • Disputes of valuation and asset distribution: Determining the business’s fair market value can be contentious, especially when disagreements exist over the assessment methods and criteria used to value the business and determine the distribution of assets among heirs.

The Importance of Succession Planning

The best way to minimise the risk of business inheritance disputes is through proactive succession planning. This involves:

  • Creating a will that explicitly outlines ownership distribution after the owner’s death
  • Creating buy-sell agreements that outline the terms under which shares can be bought or sold within the family
  • Creating shareholder agreements that define ownership, voting rights, and management roles within the company

Our Sydney, NSW, business and commercial lawyers can help you plan to prevent business inheritance disputes. If your family is already facing such a dispute, contact our contesting a will solicitors as soon as possible so we can provide you with expert legal advice to prevent a disruption in your family’s business.

Ways to Resolve Business Inheritance Disputes

There are several ways to resolve business inheritance or other estate disputes in Sydney, NSW.

These methods are outlined in the Succession Act 2006 and include:

  • Informal negotiations
  • Mediation or other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods
  • Court intervention, including family provision claims or other processes for disputing a will

Grounds for Disputing a Will in NSW

You may need to seek intervention from the Supreme Court of NSW to resolve your inheritance dispute by contesting the will of your family member. The grounds for disputing a will in Sydney include:

Get Legal Advice from Szabo & Associates Solicitors

Legal counsel can help you understand your rights and obligations pertaining to your family’s business. Our knowledgeable wills and probate solicitors at Szabo & Associates can provide guidance on relevant laws and regulations and advocate for your interests through negotiation, mediation, or litigation if necessary. Let us help you navigate and resolve your business inheritance dispute by calling us at 02 9281 5088 or completing our contact form.

Why choose Szabo Solicitors

30 years' experience

George Szabo and our Team of Solicitors have more than 30 years of experience with contesting wills in Sydney, NSW and across other States in Australia too. 


High success rate

Years of experience and dedication ensure our high success rate in contesting wills cases.

Personal service

Our personalised approach ensures exceptional service tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.

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George Szabo

George Szabo

Principal Solicitor
Stephen Wilson

Stephen Wilson

Senior Associate
Peter Sarlas

Peter Sarlas

Associate Solicitor
Sara Campo

Sara Campo

Anastasia Newcombe

Anastasia Newcombe


Contact Szabo Solicitors

Suite 302 Level 3
55 Holt Street
Surry Hills
NSW 2010

PO Box 282 Surry Hills

Phone 02 9281 5088
Fax 02 9281 5988

Our Wills & Estate Disputes Solicitors serve clients in communities throughout Sydney and NSW, including the Eastern Suburbs, Lower North Shore, Upper North Shore, Northern Beaches, Sutherland Shire and beyond.

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