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Szabo & Associates Solicitors is a small and dynamic firm with extensive experience in providing legal services to the Sydney area and greater New South Wales.

Is It Possible to Prevent a Will Being Contested?

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In NSW, the Succession Act provides that certain people, particularly close family, can contest a deceased’s Will if they have not been properly provided for. As such it is not possible to say that a person can legally prevent their Will from being contested by an ‘eligible’ person.

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  1520 Hits
1520 Hits

Estate Planning, Property Disputes and the Importance of Having the Right Type of Ownership

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If you are thinking of buying a property with a friend or partner there is a choice of the type of ownership. There are essentially two choices which are as Tenants in Common or as Joint Tenancy. There are important differences between them and it is important to understand the legal and financial effects, including estate planning, of these two ownership types. For example, a bank financing the transaction will need to know should there be a default by a party.

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  1245 Hits
1245 Hits

How Does the Court Determine Child Custody Arrangements Following a Separation?

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When parents separate, one of the key issues that may arise is the residence and contact arrangements for any children. The family law system encourages parents to work out arrangements for their children without the need of Court intervention. However, this is not always possible and either parent can apply to the Court to have the matter resolved.

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  859 Hits
859 Hits

Have You Inadvertently Managed to Invalidate Your Will? Marriage, Separation and Divorce and Their Impact on Your Will

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Most people understand the importance of a valid Will. Therefore, it would be more than unfortunate to invalidate a Will ‘accidentally’. However, certain key life events, such as marriage, separation, and divorce, can potentially impact a Will even to the extent of revoking (invalidating) it altogether. As such, it is important to understand what unintended consequences there may be as a result of these significant life events.

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  1394 Hits
1394 Hits

How Are Significant Gifts Treated in a Post-Separation Property Settlement?

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Following separation, a couple will need an agreement to divide their property between them. This process is known as property settlement. The process will involve dividing assets and liabilities with an expectation that there will be a fair and equitable division of the marital ‘pool’ between them.

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  2004 Hits
2004 Hits
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