
Szabo & Associates News & Updates

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The Environment Matters: NSW’s Land and Environment Court Orders Environmental Watchdog to Act on Climate Change

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According to a recent landmark decision in NSW’s Land and Environment Court, it was held that State’s environmental watchdog, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), has a duty to take into consideration the protection of the environment from climate change. It was found by the Court that this duty is not currently being discharged adequately.

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1092 Hits

Investing in Australia: What Recent Changes Have Been Made to the Foreign Investment Regime?

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Australia has always been an attractive destination for foreign investment. As we looked at previously, Australia has welcomed this interest from foreign investors as an important factor in its economic development. Notwithstanding this, certain types of foreign investments have always been subject to governmental notification or review. In this article, we look at the changes that have been made and the consequences of these.

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879 Hits

What Can I Do Now the Council Has Not Approved My Development Application?

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When a Council refuses, or "fails" to approve a development application, it can potentially have a considerable impact whether you are an individual or a professional developer. Either way, you will usually have the right to reconsideration.

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2538 Hits

How Do I Avoid My Development Consent Lapsing Following the Recent Changes to the Regulations?

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Development consent is a valuable asset. In response to COVID-19, there have been some important changes made to the planning legislation and regulations as regards the lapsing of these valuable consents.

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1203 Hits

What Can I Do About a Dispute Over a Neighbour’s Tree?

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Everybody needs good neighbours. But relationships with even the best neighbours can become strained over disputes concerning trees and hedges. Often the potential for matters to get out of hand is because the parties do not understand their rights and responsibilities. At Szabo & Associates, we can advise you on the things you need to know whichever side of the fence you find yourself on.

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1293 Hits
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