
Szabo & Associates News & Updates

The Latest Conveyancing, Wills & Probate and Business Law news from Szabo & Associates

Incorrectly signed Will can be rectified

The UK Supreme Court has recently ruled on the validity of a Will by a man who mistakenly signed his wife's 'mirror' Will instead. It is an interesting example of the need to get the formalities right when making a Will.

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Judgment given in business inheritance dispute

It is always particularly important to make a will if you are the owner of a business, as shown by a recent dispute in Israel over the estate of one of the richest men in the world – billionaire Yuli Ofer.

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Estate dispute over $100,000 cheque

Estate disputes can take a variety of forms, as demonstrated by a US case that has been in the news recently.

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Disney's grandchildren in inheritance dispute

A bitter inheritance dispute relating to two of Walt Disney's grandchildren is currently being heard in a California courtroom, reports the Telegraph.

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Things to think about before making your Will

Making the decision to write or update your Will is the first step on a straightforward but important process that will ensure your assets are passed on to your chosen beneficiaries in the safest and most effective way.

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