
Szabo & Associates News & Updates

The latest News & Updates from Szabo & Associates

Szabo & Associates Solicitors is a small and dynamic firm with extensive experience in providing legal services to the Sydney area and greater New South Wales.

Existing Use Rights and Planning Law: Saffioti v Kiama Municipal Council

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Ms Saffioti owns a block of land in Kiama on the southern coast of New South Wales. Except for her existing small dwelling, the rest of the block of land is covered in native vegetation. Her initial development proposal was to build another small dwelling with a garage on another part of the block. The Council did not contest that Ms Saffioti had an existing use right in respect of her existing property but argued that this could not be extended to the entire block because new zoning laws only allowed developments satisfying environmental conservation requirements.

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2129 Hits

Record Compensation Claim in Sydney’s Westconnex Motorway Project

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The NSW Land & Environment Court has recently (July 2019) published its decision in respect of what is probably NSW’s largest ever claim for compensation involving the acquisition of land. 

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NSW Contractors Fined for Water Pollution

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Following a successful prosecution by the NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), the Eden based excavation and earthmoving contractors John Michelin and Son Pty Ltd, have recently been fined $43550 (Environment Protection Authority v John Michelin Pty Ltd (2019) NSWLEC 88). The NSW Land and Environment Court convicted the company of polluting waters on the State’s southern coast and causing environmental harm to the waterways. The fine will be paid into an environmental project in the Eden area and managed through the Environmental Trust.

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Challenging an Inheritance and the Rule of Forfeiture

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If a murderer cannot inherit the estate of their victim, what is the position with someone who helps cover up a crime?

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Inheritance Row Over Simultaneous Death of Parents

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In the unfortunate event that both parents pass away at the same time and it is not known who died first, what happens next can regrettably result in family disputes. Thankfully this is not a frequent occurrence but, if and when it does happen, it can be particularly stressful. This is illustrated by the case of John and Ann Scarle recently decided in the High Court in England.

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