
Szabo & Associates News & Updates

The latest News & Updates from Szabo & Associates

Szabo & Associates Solicitors is a small and dynamic firm with extensive experience in providing legal services to the Sydney area and greater New South Wales.

The Reform of Family Law

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After 18 months of work, the Australian Law Reform Commission has recently reported on its recommendations to amend the family law system. The report Family Law for the Future has 60 recommendations in all.

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1294 Hits

A Scar on the Landscape: Council Fined

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Recently ABC News (24.12.18) reported that the northern NSW council of Clarence Valley had been fined for harming an ancient Aboriginal “scar” tree that was important to Aboriginal culture. The scarred red/black bean tree had been registered as a culturally modified tree in 1995 on the Aboriginal Site Register. This meant that it was an offence to harm or desecrate the tree.

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1459 Hits

Was Exercising an Option to Renew a Commercial Lease by Email Valid?

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In the recent case of Kegran Pty Ltd v Warrik Pty Ltd (2018) NSWSC 1357, the Supreme Court had to determine whether there had been a valid exercise of an option to renew a commercial lease even though the method used did not appear to meet the conditions set out in the contract. The lessor had challenged the exercise of an option on the basis that the notice had not been properly served.

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1571 Hits

Pet-Nups Are “on the up”

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As recently discussed, disputes over the family pet in a separation appear to be becoming more frequent. Even in the most amicable of divorces, some things cannot be split down the middle!  Can the uncertainty be prevented?

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1350 Hits

Parenting Orders: Do “Supervised Time” or “Time in the Presence of” Have a Different Meaning for Child Contact?

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In parenting matters, supervised time with a parent is a common order made by the Family Court where it is considered there is a risk of harm and a need to protect a child. The recent case of Elias & Elias (2019) FamCAFC 53 required the Full Family Court, on appeal, to consider the issue of supervised contact and the grounds for it.

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3264 Hits
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