
Szabo & Associates News & Updates

The Latest Conveyancing, Wills & Probate and Business Law news from Szabo & Associates

Opposition to Planned WestConnex Development

Some business owners and residents in Sydney are in dispute with NSW Government over its planned WestConnex project and supporting road structure, reports the Sydney Morning Herald. The project, which involves the construction of a tunnel linking Sydney’s Anzac bridge with the M4 Motorway, will require the compulsory purchase of key areas of land. Two businesses located on land to be purchased have objected to the values placed on their land by Roads and Maritime Services, claiming that the amount of money offered for the compulsory purchase is far too low. The business owners have also pointed out that they had previously applied for their land to be rezoned from industrial to residential, which could dramatically increase the land’s value. Legal action in the Land and Environment Court has been threatened by one of the businesses if a satisfactory resolution can’t be achieved. A third business has already brought legal action against the compulsory purchase and land valuation. Attempts had been made to resolve this dispute through mediation, but were unsuccessful and the case is now apparently proceeding to the Supreme Court. Local residents are also in opposition to the Government’s plans, with protests being held against the proposed construction of the F6 motorway to link in with the WestConnex tollway, reports Green Left Weekly. Protestors are concerned about the environmental and health impacts of the construction work and also claim that, once built, the new system will bring increased traffic into the area, which will have further negative consequences.

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Szabo & Associates Solicitors win Supreme Court case

Szabo & Associates Solicitors have recently achieved a significant success in the Supreme Court on behalf of a client from the USA.

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Our article on foreign investment into NSW on Asia Law Portal

Visit Asia Law Portal and check out our article on how NSW is proving to be attractive to overseas investors ...

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Welcome to our new site.

Welcome to our new site! We are pleased to welcome you to our new site, developed in conjunction with Moore Legal Technology. Please have a look around and get in touch if you require any of our services.

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