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Potential Heirs to Prince's Estate Come Forward

Media speculation concerning the possibility of a dispute over the estate of music legend Prince appears to be gathering pace after the news that a woman claiming to be his half-sister has registered as an interested party, reports the Daily Mail.

Prince died unexpectedly last month and so far no Will has been found. Reports of the size of his estate vary, with one estimate valuing it at around US$300 million. In the absence of a Will, a special administrator has been appointed to oversee the estate and also to identify any possible heirs.

Prince was married and divorced twice, but left no surviving children. His parents are both also deceased, leaving his full-sister, Tyka Nelson, as his closest living relative. He is also known to have five half-siblings as a result of his father’s second marriage, and they are all believed to have been named as potential heirs.

The latest possible heir to come forward, Darcell Gresham Johnston, claims to share a mother with Prince, and she has apparently lodged papers with the court saying that she is an 'interested party and beneficiary', reports the Daily Mail.

Contact our Wills Solicitors Sydney & NSW

Szabo & Associates, Solicitors can offer expert advice on a wide range of legal matters, including contesting, making or updating a Will. Please contact George Szabo today on (02) 9281-5088 or fill in the contact form to the right of this page.



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